- Categoria
- Sezione
- Tipologia
- Lunghezza11,81 mt
- Larghezza3,20 mt
- Anno imm.2016
- Anno cos.2016
- Velocità Max90.0 nodi
- Velocità Crociera50.0 nodi
The Goldfish 38 Supersport has a class leading hull shape that is the culmination of more than 20 years of making the world’s finest and most efficient high performance boats. The result is a very stable hull with exceptionally low fuel consumption, high speed with comparatively modest engine sizes, a virtually non-existent planing angle, and driving characteristics in a class of its’ own.
A key aspect of the design brief was to create safe handling and easy maneuvering capabilities.
Goldfish 38 Supersport is fitted with the latest and finest technology, and the drivetrain is no exception. The engine is fitted with a steel propeller for maximum performance, and the steering system is tailored to this high performance craft.
- StatoItalia
- Nr Motori2
- Potenza Motori600 HP
- Modello MotoriRACING 600SCi BRAVO DRIVE
- Marca MotoriMERCURY
- Ore moto350
- Note sui MotoriPropulsion Stern drive
- CarburanteBenzina
- Nr Serbatoi1
- Capacità cad.600,00 L
- Tipo di trasmissioneEntro fuori bordo
- Dislocamento3200
- Pescaggio1,10 mt
- ScafoCarbon/Fibreglass/Divinycell
NAV LIGHT - turns on/off the navigation lights
FLOOR / CABIN LIGHT - turns on/off the deck/cabin lighting
SWIM BOW LT - turns on/off the bow lights
STEREO - Turns on/off radio
FRESH WATER BILGE P - turns on/off the bilge pump manually
MOTOR ROOM LIFT- Lifts/lowers engine room lid
BLOWER - turns on/off the engine room blower
ENG ROOM LIGHTS - turns on/off the engine room light
ANCH UP/DW - raises/lowers anchor
ANCH ON/OFF- turns on/off the anchor winch
ENGINE BAT - main battery switch
Built in premium composite materials for long-lasting performance. The vacuum infused Vinylester together with the high density Divinycell core secures maximum rigidity and a high-quality ride year after year.
Optimum angle of attack and low vertical pitching secures extreme sea keaping capabilities. Minimum hydrodynamic drag optimizes hull efficiency, and saves 25-30% fuel compared to a modern traditional v-bottom hull. Balance, weight and design eliminates planing threshold,and gives the 38 Supersport optimal functionality at all speeds.
HULL DESIGN: Three stepped decompressing V
By installing both engines close to the keel we obtain a lower centre of gravity, less drag from the drives, and more grip on the propellers - all vital for the boats handling and performance.
Choice of drives and propellers are equally important as wheels and tires on your car. 38 SuperSport is the the only boat in the world with staggered Mercury TDI engines.
Tutti i dati contenuti nella scheda della Barca usata Goldfish 38 multipurpose supersport sono stati inseriti dal venditore
Master Brokerage srl
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Ultimo aggiornamento della scheda 16/07/2024
Master Brokerage srl
55049 Viareggio (LU) - Italia